ASKING TO BUILD WHAT? - Mission 1: Be confident in your existing product priorities
Let's face it, we all have been approached by a senior leader or someone with a lot of influence in the organization that has an idea. Something they truly believe should be done....Immediately no less. Find out how to handle those situations. We start with making sure your existing product priorities are rock solid, then we make sure your priorities are couched in the broader business strategy, making it difficult to change course without more consideration. And when you do have to stick to your guns, find out how to do it in a way that drives commitment across the organization.
Mission 1: Be confident in your existing product priorities
Start with making sure you have a solid set of priorities. If you don’t, then you don’t have much of a platform to stand on in terms of pushing back on the next shiny object.
This mission encompasses 4 set of videos:
- Make sure you have clarity on your foundations
- Customer foundation Intro (15m)
- Problem Statement Introduction (15m)
- Problem Statement Examples & Exercise (5m)
- Crafting the Problem Statement (11m)
- Customer Persona Introduction (14m)
- Customer Persona Picture Board Exercise (7m)
- Customer Persona Breakdown (7m)
- Customer Needs Introduction (22m)
- Customer Needs Deep Dive (12m)
- Customer Needs Prioritization (9m)
- Customer Foundations wrap (5m)
- Do simple research to validate your assumptions...including assumptions that are driving product feature ideas you don't feel are important
- Learning Plan Introduction (13m)
- Hypothesis Building (14m)
- Learning Plan Build (6m)
- Learning Plan Test (7m)
- Practice the art of criteria-based decision making
- Product Blueprint Introduction (18m)
- Product Blueprint Template (9m)
- Make effective backlog decisions so you stay on track for the big stuff if you have to add the little stuff
- Backlog Estimating (16m)
- Backlog Prioritization (13m)
- Ongoing Backlog Management (16m)
Total Time: 234 Minutes