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GETTING BUY-IN - Mission 1: Building your case and keeping decisions data-based vs. opinion-based (Part 1 & 2)
Product Rebels Course Catalog

GETTING BUY-IN - Mission 1: Building your case and keeping decisions data-based vs. opinion-based (Part 1 & 2)

Regular price $399.00

A product manager's job is tough.  You have to get decisions made across multiple functions and much of what you do impacts everyone in the company.  How do you do this when you don't have formal authority?  Well, we have tools to make it significantly easier and faster for you.  We cover different aspects of cross-functional influencing and partnership; from how to build your case for change to ways to get decisions made quickly.

Mission 1: Building your case and keeping decisions data-based vs. opinion-based (Part 1 & 2)

This mission includes 5 sets of videos from our training inventory that take you through validating any hypotheses you're making in your decision making, practicing and communicating clear logic in your decision proposals, and working cross-functionally to get decisions made that stick.

Mission Includes:

Part I: Foundations
  • Always couch your proposed decisions in your customer and their needs
    • Customer foundation Intro (15m)
    • Problem Statement Introduction (15m)
    • Problem Statement examples & Exercise (5m)
    • Crafting Problem Statement (11m)
    • Customer Persona Introduction (14m)
    • Customer Persona Picture Board Exercise (7m)
    • Customer Persona Breakdown (7m)
    • Customer Needs Introduction (22m)
    • Customer Needs Deep Dive (12m)
    • Customer Needs Prioritization (9m)
    • Customer Foundations wrap (5m)

Part II:  Process & Practice

  • Do simple research to validate your assumptions  
    • Learning Plan Introduction (13m)
    • Defining actionable Hypotheses (14m)
    • Learning Plan Build (6m)
    • Learning Plan Test (7m)
  • Practice the art of criteria-based decision making  
    • Product Blueprint Introduction (18m)
    • Product Blueprint Template (9m)
  • Partnering on the key inputs of the decision...Getting buy-in early
    • Introduction to Effective Partnering (15m)
    • Partnering with UX (17m)
    • Partnering across the Organization (13m)
  • Learn how to drive decisions when no one reports to you
    • Introduction & Contracts (13m)
    • Negotiation skills for PM (9m)
    • Influencing others (6m)

Total Time:  250

Note:  If you've already taken our Customer Foundations course then take Part 2 Only of this mission.

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