ROADMAPPING - Mission 1: Defining & gathering the inputs into an effective roadmap
Roadmapping is a key aspect to every product manager's job. It can make or break the success of a business and that's why we put some depth behind our roadmapping missions. We cover everything from the inputs to a good roadmap and the process by which the roadmap is created, but also how to communicate it in a way that drives commitment in the organization.
This mission includes 5 sets of videos from our training inventory that take you through setting the customer foundations and conducting the research necessary in validating any hypotheses being used in your foundations, connecting your roadmap to business strategy, effectively prioritizing the efforts that your leadership team can stand behind.
Mission Includes:
Part I: Foundations
- Start with the foundations to every product roadmap; persona, problem statement, and customer needs
- Customer foundation Intro (15m)
- Problem Statement Introduction (15m)
- Problem Statement examples & Exercise (5m)
- Crafting Problem Statement (11m)
- Customer Persona Introduction (14m)
- Customer Persona Picture Board Exercise (7m)
- Customer Persona Breakdown (7m)
- Customer Needs Introduction (22m)
- Customer Needs Deep Dive (12m)
- Customer Needs Prioritization (9m)
- Customer Foundations wrap (5m)
Part II: Process & Practice
- Conduct the research you need to make quick decisions and educate your gut for developing your roadmap
- Customer Research Introduction (27m)
- Customer Research Plan (8m)
- Customer Research Screener (6m)
- Moderator Guide (9m)
- Mock Interview (13m)
- Make sure your roadmap is connected to your strategy
- Product Vision (14m)
- Business Goals and Objectives (14m)
- Product Strategy (15m)
- Product Strategy Detailed Example (8m)
- Logically prioritize the big stuff already in your backlog; make sure it should be in the longer term roadmap
- Product Blueprint Introduction (18m)
- Product Blueprint Template (9m)
- Learn about a clear process for developing and communicating a roadmap and getting leadership buy-in
- Product Roadmap Intro (15m)
- Roadmap Building (12m)
Roadmap process (11m) - Communicating Roadmaps (7m)
Total Time: 308 Min