COMPETITIVE PRESSURE - Mission 2: Define the functionality or new products necessary to win in the market
Competition kicking your butt?!
We've learned the hard way that it has a lot to do with what you know about your customer in the market and how effectively your competitors serve their needs. It's more than just understanding their value prop and position in the market. It's understanding where you are relative to your competitors through your customers' eyes. We have different ways at getting this perspective.
Mission 1: Define the functionality or new product necessary to win in the market
This mission gets at how to innovate in a highly competitive market starting with understanding market needs and innovating around clear unmet needs in the market.
Mission includes 4 set of videos:
Part I: Foundations
- Start with making sure you know who you are solving for and what you are solving
- Customer foundation Intro (15m)
- Problem Statement Introduction (15m)
- Problem Statement examples & Exercise (5m)
- Crafting Problem Statement (11m)
- Customer Persona Introduction (14m)
- Customer Persona Picture Board Exercise (7m)
- Customer Persona Breakdown (7m)
- Customer Needs Introduction (22m)
- Customer Needs Deep Dive (12m)
- Customer Needs Prioritization (9m)
- Customer Foundations wrap (5m)
Part II: Process & Practice
- Evaluate the competition through the lens of your target customer and the problem you are solving
- Competitive Research Introduction (26m)
- Competitive Research Deep Dive (22m)
- Actionable brainstorming around clearly defined problems
- Ideation Introduction (9m)
- Ideation Specifics (12m)
- Concept test your best ideas to inform your decision
- Product Concepts Introduction (18m)
- Developing the Concept (18m)
- Pre-test Planning (22m)
- Planning for Interviews (9m)
- Detailed Moderator Script (22m)
- Analyzing and Translating Results to MVW (25m)
Total Time: 305 Minutes